Laser Genital Whitening


Aesthetic operations, which have been increasing in recent years, are gradually spreading to many areas. One of the operations frequently preferred by women is vaginal bleaching . Among the problems frequently encountered by women is darkening in the vagina. These darkening in the bikini area are very disturbing for women in terms of aesthetic appearance. Based on this problem that women often experience, we will try to tell you; How to whiten the vagina and all the information about this subject.

Table of Contents

  • Why Does Bikini Area Darken?
  • Is there any harm in darkening of the genital area?
  • How is it done?
  • Things to Consider Afterwards
  • Is there any harm?

Why Does Bikini Area Darken?

The outer part of the vagina is called the vulva. This area generally darkens over time due to hormonal changes and aging. The estrogen hormone, which increases to high levels especially during pregnancy, causes the vulva area to darken. Darkening in the genital area continues after pregnancy. This darkening that occurs in dark-skinned women becomes more pronounced. Factors other than estrogen hormone that cause darkening in the genital area include hormonal disorders, use of birth control pills, skin diseases and polycystic ovary syndrome. In addition, incorrect epilation applied to clean the vaginal area; hot waxing, razor use and incorrect laser epilation, the use of synthetic underwear, overweight and tight clothing lead to darkening in the vaginal area. Apart from all these, darkening in the vaginal area can be genetic.

Is there any harm in darkening of the genital area?

Darkening in the genital area worries women. Many women wonder whether there is a disease underlying this subsequent darkening of the vaginal area. However, this darkening in the vaginal area does not cause any harm to people in terms of health. This situation affects people negatively not only in terms of aesthetic appearance but also psychologically. Especially in the summer months, women who will use bikinis or swimsuits feel bad because of the darkening in the vaginal area.

How Is Laser Vagina Whitening Performed?

The most successful method for darkening in the vaginal area is CO2 laser whitening. Before the laser procedure, local anesthetic creams are applied to the genital area and pain sensation is reduced during the procedure. During the procedure, which takes 20-25 minutes in total, a laser beam is applied to the darkening that occurs in the vaginal area. The applied laser beams break down the melanocyte cells and prevent the production of melanin, thus whitening the vaginal area. After the procedure, redness, swelling, water retention and edema formation in the laser treated area is quite normal. After the procedure, darkening occurs in the genital area and then dead skin cells are shed and replaced by a brighter and whiter skin texture.

In the laser vagina whitening process, the epidermis layer at the top of the skin is peeled off. Underneath this layer is a brighter and pinker layer of skin. With the laser method used for vaginal whitening, the anus, vaginal entrance, inner and outer lips and the entire anal area can be whitened.

Things to Consider Afterwards

After the vagina whitening procedure, people can easily continue their social life. The creams prescribed by the doctor should be used regularly for a week. Avoiding water contact with the bleaching area for 1-2 days will allow the treated area to heal faster. If all these steps are taken carefully, a complete recovery is achieved in about 10 days. The skin tissue in the area where laser vaginal whitening is performed will be more vibrant, fuller and healthier. Usually 1 session is sufficient for vaginal bleaching. However, in women with dark skin or people with hormonal disorders, the procedure should be performed in 2-3 sessions.

Is there any harm?

The laser beams used in the vaginal whitening process do not cause any harm if performed by specialist physicians. Laser beams can penetrate 3-4 mm deep into the skin and this is a very superficial procedure. Laser beams have absolutely no effect on the uterus, ovaries and cervix. It is also stated that it does not cause negative conditions such as sexual reluctance, infertility and menstrual irregularities.