Laser Vaginal Tightening

Laser Vagina Tightening

Laser vaginal tightening provides tightening of the vagina, rejuvenation of the vagina by renewing the tissues. The effect is achieved by the thermal (heating) and ablative (destructive) effects of the laser light.

What is Laser Vagina Tightening?

Laser vaginal tightening procedure; It is a new application performed with the aim of regeneration, rejuvenation and tightening of the vaginal tissue with the thermal (heating) and ablative effects of laser light. It has become widespread all over the world since the early 2010s.
Laser vaginal tightening
, “
Vagina Renovation
” and “
Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
” (also known as LVR). It is a non-surgical, anesthesia-free, stitch-free and painless tightening and rejuvenation of the vagina in an office (clinical) environment.

It is performed for reasons such as strengthening collagen connective tissue, increasing blood flow, increasing sexual pleasure and sensitivity, eliminating menopausal problems, eliminating frequent vaginal infections, facilitating orgasmic function. It also produces non-surgical solutions for urinary incontinence problems caused by increased intra-abdominal pressure.

Why is Vaginal Renewal Performed?

The vagina is a flexible organ composed of collagen and elastic connective tissue. The pelvic floor muscles around it are the biggest supporters of the vagina. With factors such as births, hormonal changes, increased collagen destruction and decreased collagen production with increasing age, muscle and connective tissue weakens and the vagina loses its elasticity. This can cause many problems in women.

The most common problem is during sexual intercourse. During intercourse, numbness may occur in both female and male partners; over time, as the pleasure of sexual intercourse decreases, the problem of sexual reluctance may develop. Other problems we may encounter are frequent vaginal infections, gas coming out of the vagina during intercourse or physical exercise, and a constant feeling of an opening in the vagina. All these problems lead women to vaginal tightening procedures.

What is a laser in medicine?

LASER is an abbreviation of the English words ‘Light Amplificationby the Stimulated Emissionof Radiation‘ and stands for ‘light beam amplified by the intensification of stimulated radiation’. Laser technology dates back to Einstein’s quantum theory in 1917.

The first laser adventure in practice begins with the 694 nm wavelength Ruby crystal laser developed by ‘Maiman’ in 1959. The laser, whose use has increased considerably in the following years, has gained a place in many medical and cosmetic fields.

Other Laser Treatments Other Than Vaginal Laser Applications

Apart from vaginal tightening, there are also laser treatments for different cosmetic reasons. These are:

  • Labia majora, perineal and perianal area discoloration,
  • Labia majora and perineal area tightening, surface correction,
  • Cutting tissue in genital aesthetic operations such as labiaplasty and vaginal tightening,
  • Treatment of genital warts,
  • Scar treatments such as acne, burns,
  • Treatments of striae and stretch marks on the skin,
  • Facial regeneration (anti-aging, wrinkle treatment, pore tightening, lifting).

For which patients is surgical vaginal tightening and laser vaginal tightening (LVR) more suitable?

There are two options that can be offered to the person who comes for vaginal tightening. The first of these is surgical vaginal tightening. Surgical vaginal tightening is also known as ‘Vaginoplasty’ or ‘Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation’. In this operation, the patient receives anesthesia, rests at home for a few days and stays away from sports, pool and sexual life for about 4-6 weeks.

On the other hand, only the back wall of the vagina is narrowed. In vaginal tightening surgeries, pelvic muscles are brought closer together to provide support and fascia (the protective sheath of the muscle) repairs are also performed. Surgical vaginal tightening should be considered in the first place, especially in patients with advanced vaginal width, bladder and bowel prolapse. In our clinic, the entire posterior wall of the vagina is narrowed during surgical procedures.

Laser vaginal tightening can be considered in the first place in patients who do not have a large vaginal width, who have mild sagging problems, and who have sexual pleasure and orgasm problems at the forefront.

Laser vaginal tightening has multiple advantages. The first is that the procedure is painless and painless and therefore does not require anesthesia. In addition, since it is not a surgical procedure, there are no risks related to surgery, the patient can return to daily work and social life immediately after the procedure, and the ban on sexual intercourse is only 1 week.

LVR (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation) can also be applied for vulvar vestibulitis, lichen sclerosus disease and the elimination of genital complaints due to menopause. The table below compares surgical vaginal tightening and laser vaginal tightening.

How does laser vaginal tightening – LVR work?

Laser vaginal tightening provides tightening of the vagina and rejuvenation of the vagina by renewing the tissues. This effect is achieved by the thermal (heating) and ablative (destructive) effects of laser light. The thermal (heating) and ablative (destructive) effects of the laser cause mild and temporary damage to the vaginal canal. Due to this temporary damage, an ‘inflammatory’ response occurs in the tissue.

The energy-exposed tissue is attacked by the ‘
‘ repair cells work to revitalize this tissue. In this process, fibroblasts’
‘ and ‘
‘ increase connective tissue synthesis. Increased connective tissue production rejuvenates, regenerates and tightens the tissue.

LVR in Orgasm and Sexual Pleasure Treatments

Laser treatment also increases blood supply to the tissue, and the tissue with increased blood supply becomes younger and more neurologically sensitive. Laser is also used in sexual pleasure treatments with this effect. In particular, increased blood supply to the anterior vaginal wall makes it easier to reach orgasm. Laser treatment, which increases vaginal wetting, provides narrowing on the one hand, and on the other hand, it increases the pleasure during intercourse by increasing neural stimulation. This is one of the reasons why patients prefer LVR.

Who is laser vaginal tightening suitable for?

Laser vaginal tightening can be applied to all non-virgin sexually active women. Vaginal tightening can be a solution for couples who experience a feeling of enlargement and loosening during intercourse. These women are not allowed to say ‘
I feel nothing during intercourse with my partner
‘ is their complaint. At the same time, the male partner may complain that his penis feels hollow during sexual intercourse and that he cannot feel pleasure. This can lead to mutual problems of sexual pleasure and desire.

Approximately 3 weeks after laser vaginal tightening, both the male and female partner develops a noticeable tightening and sensation increase during sexual intercourse. The treatment has positive effects not only for the woman but also for the couple.

For what purposes is vaginal laser used?

Genital laser applications for vaginal tightening, rejuvenation and tightening have other advantages. Carbon dioxide and erbium yag lasers are used for this purpose in medicine. These reasons are listed below.

Increasing sexual pleasure:

With laser vaginal tightening, the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction during sexual intercourse increases in the female and male partner. Orgasm problems in women can also be improved. This effect is achieved in particular by increasing the blood supply to the anterior vaginal wall, which in turn increases sensitivity and arousal. For this purpose, genital PRF and HA (Hyaluronic acid) injections can be performed simultaneously with laser treatments. On the other hand, laser sessions can also be performed to facilitate orgasm and increase sexual pleasure during intercourse, despite having no problems in sexual intercourse.

Treatment of vaginal dryness:

Vaginal dryness is a serious problem, especially for postmenopausal women. Dryness can cause pain during intercourse, but sometimes it can also cause burning and discomfort outside intercourse. Vaginal laser treatment is an effective method in the treatment of vaginal dryness. Due to the increased vaginal blood circulation with the effect of the treatment, the moistness and wetness of the vagina increases, and patients’ symptoms improve rapidly.

Treatment of urinary incontinence:

Laser application can also be applied for treatment in women who have urinary incontinence but do not complain of bladder prolapse or have mild prolapse. It can be a good solution for patients suffering from stress-type incontinence, that is, those who experience urinary incontinence, especially during coughing, sneezing and doing sports. There are many patients who have avoided surgery in this way. Vaginal laser treatments can also be easily applied in age group patients.

Treatment of patients with frequent vaginitis (vaginal infection):

Some women are constantly suffering from vaginal infections despite continuous medication, suppositories and creams. Vaginal laser applications can be very beneficial for such patients. Laser treatment can also be applied for treatment purposes in women who face frequent vaginal infections and recurrent fungal infections, as it increases immune resistance with its blood supply enhancing effect.

Treatment of thinning skin due to menopause:

Vaginal lasers are also effective in vaginal dryness and painful sexual intercourse problems, which increase due to vulvovaginal atrophy (shrinkage of the genital area, thinning of the skin tissue), especially during menopause. The mechanism of action is likewise realized by increasing collagen synthesis and new tissue formation.

Since local estrogen therapy cannot be used especially in women at risk of breast cancer, laser treatments are very promising in this patient group.

Treatment of vulvar vestibulitis:

Sexual intercourse pain (dyspareunia) may be due to a condition called ‘Vulvar Vestibulitis’ (Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome). In this case, there is inflammation in the area of the vestibulum at the entrance to the vagina. In this case, sexual intercourse pain can be treated with therapeutic laser applications. The aim is to stimulate collagen synthesis in the vestibulum area and reduce the feeling of pain in this area.

Treatment of Lichen Sclerosus:

Complaints such as thinning of the skin tissue, burning, itching and stinging may be due to an autoimmune skin disease called ‘lichen sclerosus’. In this disease, which has no definitive treatment, cortisone-containing creams are usually applied to alleviate the symptoms, but after a while they become ineffective. Laser therapy can be effective in the treatment of lichen sclerosus by stimulating new and healthy tissue formation and increasing blood supply. Genital radiofrequency technologies can also be used instead of laser for the same indication. You can talk to our clinic about treatment methods.

Noise during intercourse, air coming out (Vaginal Flatus):

Some women complain of noises due to air coming out of the vagina during intercourse, exercise or lifting heavy loads. This embarrassing condition is usually due to a lack of vaginal tone (muscle tightness) and collagen. In this case, some energy treatments such as vaginal laser and radiofrequency treatments can provide a solution.

How is laser vaginal tightening performed?

Fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) or Erbium yag (Er: YAG) lasers are generally used in laser vaginal tightening. Laser vaginal tightening is a painless and comfortable procedure that can be performed in an office environment and takes an average of 20 minutes. The entire vaginal canal is scanned transversely and longitudinally between 3-5 rounds. With an average energy of 80-120 mjoule/pixel, the tissue heats up to 50-60 degrees.

This completely painless procedure does not require any anesthesia. Social life can be resumed immediately after the procedure, no need for rest. This is why ‘lunch time’ or ‘lunch break’ is recognized as a practice.

Laser vaginal tightening Gaziantep

Since 2019, laser vaginal tightening procedures have been performed with MonoLisa Touch CO2 fractional lasers in our Gaziantep clinic. You can call our clinic for detailed information about the applications.

The period after laser vaginal tightening

After laser vaginal tightening, you can return to social life immediately. Pinkish, watery bleeding is normal for the first few days after the procedure. Abundant, watery discharge may also occur for a few weeks. This is the process by which the vagina regenerates itself during a period of inflammation.

What should people who have laser vaginal tightening pay attention to?

Despite millions of laser applications to date, no major complications have yet been reported. There are no restrictions other than a 7-day sexual intercourse ban after the procedure. On the first day after the laser procedure, complaints such as fever, nausea, joint pain, headache and weakness can rarely be seen. In this case, you can take paracetamol group drugs in consultation with your doctor.

When is the effect felt after laser treatment?

On average 3 weeks after the laser application, tightening and sensitivity is felt by the female and male partner.

Vaginal Laser Treatment Protocol

Vaginal rejuvenation
In general, 2 or 3 applications at 1-3 month intervals are recommended for tightening and urinary incontinence treatments. Most effective results 2. or sometimes 3. is taken at the end of the implementation. One year after the procedure, one more session can be performed (reminder session). Since collagen production and destruction in the person continues in a continuous cycle, laser applications may need to be repeated every 2-4 years.

Laser vaginal tightening is a frequently preferred method in recent years. It is very satisfying and satisfying in the appropriate patient group. Its ability to treat the patient without surgery is an extremely important advantage.

Who should not undergo laser vaginal tightening?

Laser vaginal tightening operation must be performed by gynecologists who are experienced in laser. It is important that the patient has a previous PAP smear test and is not pregnant. It should never be used in patients with abnormal cellular changes in the smear test and in pregnant women. It is also not suitable for patients with BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) and excessive expectation levels.

At the same time, laser is not a suitable method for patients with advanced vaginal width, uterine, bladder and rectal prolapse. Laser treatments should also not be applied to those with uncontrolled diabetes, active HPV and HSV infections. On the other hand, laser is not suitable for people with immune system problems, suspected cancer and high photosensitivity.

Vaginal tightening with Genital Radiofrequency

Apart from laser, vaginal tightening and rejuvenation can be performed today with vaginal radiofrequency devices without surgery or anesthesia. While laser heats the tissue with light effect, genital radiofrequency devices provide the same effect with electrical energy. Radiofrequency devices can be used today as an alternative to all laser applications. The only difference is that although genital area discoloration and genital wart treatments can also be performed with laser, these procedures cannot be performed with radiofrequency devices.

You can call our Istanbul Nişantaşı clinic to get information about genital radiofrequency applications.

Laser vaginal tightening prices

Laser vaginal tightening, tightening and renewal procedures are performed in our clinic in Gaziantep. Pricing varies according to the indication and the number of sessions. You can request information about the fees by calling the secretariat of our clinic.